PUBLIC NOTICE: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

North College Hill City School District is encouraging interested parties to participate in a public review of the IDEA Part B grant funds awarded for the school year 2019/2020.


Recognizing that the Covid-19 pandemic limits public assembly, the district asks that you provide comments by the close of business May 29, 2020


In brief, the district was granted Part B funds totaling $434,738 for this school year. Expenditures of $432,181 were made to support salaries and benefits for special education teachers; $22,557 has been expended on professional development for staff, including teacher coaching, meeting and conference costs, and membership in the Urban Collaborative.


The district believes that the U.S. Department of Education will award the district a similar amount for the school year 2020-2021.


Please go to the “Parents" section for continuing information:


You may also email your comments to Courtney Collins, Pupil Personnel Coordinator, at: [email protected]
