Central Enrollment
Please contact Ashley Waller at (513) 931-8181 ext. 14300 if you need assistance.

2024/2025 Kindergarten Registration
Welcome to North College Hill City Schools! Each child who is five years of age on or before August 1 is eligible to enroll in kindergarten. Each child who is six years of age on or before August 1 and who has successfully completed kindergarten is eligible to enroll in the first grade. Enrollment information and links can be found below. Parents are encouraged to explore our web pages to discover all the exciting things happening in our district. Accessing the NCH Elementary link or our Future Trojans link will provide you with important links and information regarding school details. If you have any questions, please contact Sheena Redman, Principal, North College Hill Elementary School at [email protected]
2024/2025 School Year
New Student Registration
This is a one-stop location for your enrollment needs! Enrollment for new students, Kindergarten through Grade 12, must be enrolled at this online location. If you would like to register a Preschool student, please refer to the Parents tab on the main page to obtain information on how to complete a Preschool application.
Upon completing the online pre-registration, you will be required to schedule a registration phone appointment. At the time of the Registration Phone Appointment, a member of the Registration Team will contact you by phone to complete the process. The following items are required in order to complete a student's registration. These items can be uploaded from your cell phone, computer, or laptop. For assistance or question with the registration process, please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].
Required Documents
The following documents must be submitted prior to the Phone Registration to ensure student enrollment.
Documentation Required:
- Driver’s License (or State ID showing photo ID of parent/guardian name and current address)
- Original Birth Certificate with seal or valid passport (demonstrating parentage of custodial parent)
- Probate Court guardianship papers (for legal guardians, demonstrating relationship to student)
- Immunization records (up to date) - provided by a doctor or health department.
- Previous Report Card (Kg - Gr. 8) or Transcript (Gr. 9 - 12)
- Residency documentation and verification - document described below.
- Copy of the most recent IEP, ETR or 504 Plan (If applicable)
Insufficient documentation may delay enrollment and require another appointment.
Proof of Residency
If you are a Homeowner:
ONE (1) of the following:
- Mortgage Deed
- Auditor's Report
If you are a Renter:
- Lease
In Addition:
ONE (1) of the following current (within 30 days) bills:
- Gas or Electric bill
- Telephone Bill (landline only)
- Cable Bill
- Internet Bill
- Satellite TV Bill
- City Water/Sewage Bill
If you are living with someone:
- Proof of Residency information for the person you are residing with (items listed above) AND the following information for yourself
- Government Business mail (tax documents, county paperwork, etc.)
- Pay Stub with the address
- Doctor statement (with postmark)
- You will also be required to complete a notarized Residency Affidavit (supplied at the Registration Conference and on your checklist).
- Proof of Residency information for the person you are residing with (items listed above) AND the following information for yourself
2024/2025 School Year ONLY
To review building policies and handbooks click HERE
If you need help accessing documentation, information can be found at: https://www.hamiltoncountyhealth.org/
Questions may be sent to [email protected]
Future Trojans